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Mission Statement

Roots of Tranquility Doula and Birth Services LLC

As a Doula, it is my mission to honor birth as a transformation, a rite of passage, and I guide families through the threshold of welcoming a new life earthside. I have founded Roots of Tranquility Doula and Birth Services, to positively impact the growing Families in our community. I do this by guiding you in building strong roots for your family through the way you approach your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum periods. Strong roots grow the healthy trees of our families! I aim to offer services centered on providing tangible skills to educate and pamper my clients, help reduce stress, enhance bonding with your new born and help you to navigate your families initiation in a new dynamic. I believe every birth brings a new initiation for you as a mother and family, it deserves to be held as such, a rite of passage. Birth isn't just something that happens to you, it transforms you. I also understand that some of you will have had experiences that may have resulted in trauma or raw feelings. To the extent that you choose to share, I will listen and look for ways to help. I will not stand by and allow any of my clients to be treated with unkindness, disrespect, or hurtful ignorance. I will engage without rancor, to support you and your families rights/choices and help others on their learning journeys. I understand that you are more then just a belly and a birth and honor your whole family, while being your strongest supporter. I love all of the vibrant differences that makes each client and birth so unique. My only agenda is to help each and everyone of you to navigate the amazing journey that is birth. I do so with loving, open hands and heart.

~Dominique Basler

Meet Your Doula!

Dominique Basler, CBE, CD, Family Doula 

Greetings! I'm Dominique Basler, a passionate doula and childbirth educator currently residing in the charming town of Sheridan, Montana. Over the past three years, my family and I have called this picturesque place home, having relocated from Alaska. My journey here includes my high school sweetheart of twelve years, Levi, and our two vibrant daughters, Livianna (7) and Lennora (3).

From my early years, I naturally gravitated towards nurturing roles, finding a particular calling in comforting and assisting both animals and babies. I believe that a crucial aspect of supporting any significant life event is providing a grounding presence. As your doula, my goal is to bring balance to the energy in the room, fostering a sense of calm to facilitate progress during labor.

I deeply respect the power of choice and acknowledge that everyone has their own path. Whether or not the choices align with my own, I honor your decisions and trust that you will make the best choices for yourself and your baby. Your autonomy is paramount to me. In my role, I come prepared to listen, inform, support, and hold a nurturing space for my clients.

My profound passion for learning about the intricacies of birth and the postpartum period led me to establish Roots of Tranquility Doula and Birth Services LLC. I hold immense respect for the entire family and the transformative journey they undertake. Ensuring that families are equipped with the tools to make empowered choices surrounding their birth experiences is at the core of my doula practice.

When I'm not immersed in doula work, you'll find me at home tending to my abundant collection of plants and gardens, gathering eggs from our chickens, or embarking on adventures with my family, including our dog Sandor. Our feline companions Dauntless, Matilda, Moonstone, and the newest addition, Pumpkin Pie, often join us for cozy moments on the couch, where I indulge in reading (probably birth-related) or watching cooking shows.

I am truly honored to provide support to your growing family!


~Dominique Basler

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How I Got Started

One pivotal moment that ignited my passion for childbirth knowledge was my first glimpse of a hospital birth at 18. My dear friend was welcoming her first baby, surrounded by 12 family members who were more interested in seeing the newborn than supporting her through labor. Being a witness to this, I felt a strong urge to help her in any way I could, offering words of encouragement and physical support as she pushed through contractions. This experience sparked a curiosity about childbirth and how I wanted to approach it when I had my own children.

After spending eight years as a veterinary assistant, where I honed my skills in observation, communication, and patient care, I began gathering information about birth from co-workers who shared their own stories with me. All of this knowledge and experience helped me prepare for my own pregnancies and births, which I approached with a desire for a supported, calm, and natural experience. I was able to make my birth dreams come true due to the amazing support I had.

However, after moving from Alaska to Montana, I noticed a lack of support for expecting and postpartum mothers and families in my area. Being a mother myself and only six months postpartum at the time, I recognized the importance of professional care and support during pregnancy and beyond. This realization led me to pursue doula training, and I am now the proud owner of Roots of Tranquility Doula and Birth Services, where I am committed to providing families with the support and tools they need to feel empowered in their birthing choices. As a doula, I feel honored to hold space for families during these transformative moments in their lives.

~Dominique Basler

More About Me


Two beautiful daughters, 7 and 3.


International Doula Institue- Certified Childbirth Educator


International Doula Institute- Certified Birth Doula



Organizing a family support group for the community

Camping and exploring with my family



Learning about and foraging local herbs, and flowers

In Progress 2023

Certified Perinatal Nutrition

Certified Postpartum Doula

Breastfeeding Counselor

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